June, 2018

I’m Only Four!       Click here to download preview file

Please don’t put me in front of a computer to test me.
I’m only four!

Please don’t force my little hand to write.
I’m only four!

Please don’t make me sit in front of a big screen all day.
I’m only four!

Please don’t judge me by data or a number.
I’m only four!

Please don’t expect me to learn to read.
I’m only four!

Please don’t give me worksheets and ask me to color in the lines.
I’m only four!

Please don’t expect me to be still and walk quietly down the hall.
I’m only four!

Please remember I’ve only been on this earth for four short years.  I need to run, play, talk, sing, explore, and learn how to get along with others.  I have one chance in a lifetime to be four, so please love me the way I am and teach me in a playful way.  I’m ONLY FOUR ONCE!


Our goal in creating this project was to provide you with a resource book of activities and strategies where children can learn in a way that is appropriate for them.  Learning centers are the most natural way to organize a classroom and encourage children to become active learners.  Centers encourage children to make choices, explore at their own level, engage in hands-on discovery, solve problems, work with friends, use language, and be creative.  Centers also allow children to move, involve a greater use of the senses and are an effective way to use classroom materials, time, and space.  Above all, learning centers are a way to capitalize on PLAY, which is the most meaningful way for children to learn.


I’ve also added two new videos for you and your students.


Hooray for spring!!!

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